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Cast Iron Chimineas, Clay Chimineas, Fire Baskets, Bowls & Grills

Perfect for barbecues, garden parties or just relaxing on a summer evening, our range of outdoor heating products will add warmth and ambience to any outdoor space.

Our carefully selected range includes chimineas, fire baskets and bowls, fire pits as well as patio heaters. Whatever your requirements, at Garden4Less we can almost guarantee to keep you warm.

What's more, with the addition of a cooking grill, many of our chimineas can double as a barbecue, allowing you to feed your guests whilst keeping them warm.

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Cast Iron vs Clay

Chimineas originated in 17th century Mexico and they were primarily used to bake bread and other foods. Original Mexican chimineas were hand forged from clay and to this day, the original designs and manufacturing processes have altered very little. It is this authenticity and charm that makes clay chimeneas a firm favourite amongst our customers. The clay walls retain and radiate heat ensuring consistent heat emissions, providing a constant heat output

Cast iron chimineas are a modern day alternative to the traditional clay models. The shape and usage of cast iron models remains very similar to clay, however, the properties of cast iron allow you to burn fires at greater temperatures, consequently producing more heat. The robustness of cast iron also allows for the burning of alternate fuel types, such as coal, which burns at a higher temperature to wood radiating more heat.

The final material to consider is steel. Whilst steel is not quite as robust as cast iron it will still withstand very high temperatures, subsequently omitting a good heat output. Although it is robust, steel is also very lightweight. This makes moving the chiminea, obviously when not in use and cold, extremely easy. Steel is a pliable metal, which allows for the manufacturing of modern and contemporary designs you do not find with clay or cast iron chimineas

Cooking on a Chiminea

Although nowadays the primary use of a garden chiminea is to provide heat and ambience to an outdoor area, it is possible use them to cook a variety of foods. Traditionally, clay chimineas were used to cook bread and as the designs have changed very little over the years, it is still very much possible to do so today

The most common culinary use for a chiminea today is barbecuing, and a number of cast iron models come with an integral swing out BBQ grill. These can be used to cook steaks, burgers, and a vast array of barbecue foods, but due to their size they are not without their limitations. We would recommend that a standard sized chiminea is suitable for barbecuing for approximately 2 " 4 people.

Away from barbecuing, your chiminea can be used for more unusual culinary practices. Clay chimineas can be used to emulate the tandoor oven, allowing you to cook, flavoursome and moist chicken, meat or even fish in your own back garden. It is also possible to cook direct on the coals using a piece of sheet metal. Last and by no means least, it is even possible to turn you chiminea into a mini smoker. Simply hang food in the flue of your chiminea to hot smoke delicious meats and fish

Caring for your chiminea

Cast Iron
Being metal, these chimineas can be vulnerable to rust. The more the chiminea is used, the less weather proof they can become due to the heat slowly lessening the effectiveness of the external coating. Of course, this can be entirely prevented simply by purchasing a cover for your chiminea or placing it inside a shed when it is not in use. Alternatively, high temperature resistant paint can be purchased if you wish to give your chiminea a new coat over time.

Clay Chimineas
For the best start in life, start by curing your chiminea. Resist the temptation to fill it straight up with huge logs and see how high you can make the flames come out of the top! Fill the bottom with two or three inches of sand and then burn some small pieces of wood kindling. Let this burn out naturally - do not tip water on it. Use small pieces two or three times and then gradually build up the sizes of the logs you put inside. Coal and fire briquettes are not advised for clay chimineas as they burn at higher temperatures and this can also cause the unit to crack.